Update National Methodology for Flood Hazard and Risk Mapping (FHRM)

WORLD BANK GROUP - Bulgaria River Basin and Flood Risk Management Plans preparation support (ID: P167719)

ABERON is part of the consortium JBA/ABERON/DELTARES awarded by the World Bank Group to update the National Methodology for Flood and Hazard Risk Mapping in Bulgaria.

The development of FHRM under the 1st cycle was done based on the national Methodology for estimation of flood hazard and flood risk, according to the requirements of Directive 2007/60/EU (in short FHRM Methodology). The methodology was developed by NIMH and endorsed in April 2013. Cycle 1 in Bulgaria reported on fluvial and coastal risks, but no assessment of pluvial or climate change induced risks were considered.

For the 2nd cycle of Floods Directive the Bulgarian authorities aim to improve the FHRM Methodology in order to correspond to the present and future flood related challenges, like increased frequency of pluvial and flash floods, coastal flooding, climate change influence, recent best practices as well as to take into consideration the planned improvements in the national monitoring network.

ABERON is responsible for the hydrology part, GIS mapping, stakeholders’ consultation and operational management.

Year 2019-2020