Development of a Flood Risk Management Plan in the Danube Region for Water Basin Management, Bulgaria
EPSILON BULGARIA OOD, as a leader in partnership with HR Wallingford Ltd. implemented project „Development of a Flood Risk Management Plan in the Danube Region for Water Basin Management” funded by Priority Axis 1 of OP Environment 2007-2013.
The objective of the assignment was to implement the EU and Bulgarian legislation requirements for flood risk management, especially set out in Directive 2007/60/ЕС and the Bulgarian Water Act. The outputs achieved are:
- review of the relevant normative, strategic and methodological documents
- setting down of the objectives and priorities of flood risk management
- development of a programe of measures and economic analysis thereof
- development of a FRMP and its coordination with the RBMP for the Danube region for water basin management and the FRMP for the international Danube river basin
- reporting of the FRMP to EC.
Year 2015